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Conan was wrong when he said the greatest things in llife are to "Crush your enemies, drive them before you and hear the lamentations of their women." We think the greatest things are:

Seeing a 70 yard football throw
Knowing how to get better WiFi 

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Cox vs ATT

Cox vs ATT Internet - Which service is best in San Diego?


We have clients constantly asking "What is the best Internet provider" and in our area, the primary battle is Cox vs ATT. Our above YouTube video goes over some of the pros and cons of Cox vs ATT Internet. If you don't have time for the video, in a nutshell:


Pros of AT&T vs Cox:

- AT&T has faster upload speeds vs Cox. This is very helpful for things like uploading this video to YouTube (see our comparison of time in the video with ATT vs Cox at around 2:40 in), for utilizing IP cameras, gaming, etc. With Cox, you have max upload speeds of 35 Mbps. With AT&T you can get up to 900 Mbps as of this date!

- ATT has their own technicians and doesn't contract out. We have dealt with nightmares with contracted technicians through Cox that either didn't know how to do the job or didn't want to as it would take them too long.


Pros of Cox vs ATT:

- More visibility into modem: Many of Cox's services allow greater visibility into their modem. This provides for better off-site troubleshooting in the event there are cable issues. We deal with situations constantly in homes where the cable representative on the phone says "There's no problem on our end" when we as technicians know there is. This increased visibility through Cox allows us to see provider issues at times and fix internet problems faster than in systems where we don't have this clarity.


If you are looking for the best Internet provider in San Diego, watch our video and please SUBSCRIBE if you find our channel informative or helpful.

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December 1st Mexico

We take time away from bodysurfing to answer your most popular questions from the week! Seth and the late, great Mark Holmes above


We love tasty waves...don't get me wrong but from time-to-time the surf wanes OR we get a flood of questions about various smart home technology or audio/video equipment. Here are the most popular questions from the week from our website visitors and Youtube subscribers:


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December 1st Mexico

We take time away from bodysurfing to answer your most popular questions from the week! Seth and the late, great Mark Holmes above


We love tasty waves...don't get me wrong but from time-to-time the surf wanes OR we get a flood of questions about various smart home technology or audio/video equipment. Here are the most popular questions from the week from our website visitors:


What speakers are better than Bose: Answer...hundreds of them. Bose is a manufacturer of speakers that in our GOOD>BETTER>BEST hierarchy occupy a space in our GOOD line-up. The better a speaker, typically the better the driver materials, crossovers, cabinets, etc. and it is why some of our speakers cost upwards of $100,000/pair! See HERE. However, some basics to know are.

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