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Sunday, 22 October 2017 12:32

San Diego Yamaha AVENTAGE dealer, San Diego installers for Yamaha receivers

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Yamaha receiver 06152017

Yamaha AVENTAGE receiver acts as the heart of your whole-house entertainment and surround sound system


It's probably been a while since you've bought a new audio/video receiver or maybe I'm being assumptive and this is your first foray into surround sound. No worries...we'd be happy to help. Your audio/video receiver is the heart of your surround sound and whole-house entertainment system. Making the right choice here assures sonic excellence and also provides you the flexibility to hook up future components. However, dealing with the big-box stores or attempting to figure out what to buy on the Internet can be painful (aside from this article, of course). Here's a quick guide to picking the right audio/video receiver.

What is it: Your receiver acts as the hub of your audio/video system. All of your components like cable boxes, video games, Blu-ray players, streaming devices, etc. hook into the receiver and it provides the sound for your speakers. Pick your receiver based on:

1) How many devices you will be hooking up to it?

2) Will you be connecting other areas/rooms of speakers?

3) How important is it to get the best surround sound experience you can?

Brand to Buy: Yamaha. Why? In a nutshell, they rarely break, provide great sound and have plenty of inputs. You can Google different brands, models, histories and other facets but we've already done that. We've also performed thousands of installations and sold receivers for over 20 years. We know what is the best TODAY. NOTE: If this ever changes, we'll let you know and we'll change our mind. However, for the time being, Yamaha is our choice for the best receiver at the price point.

GOOD: Yamaha RXV383. 4 HDMI inputs, 70 watts X 5 channels @ $279.99. Buy this if you are on a budget, will be hooking up four components or less and aren't hooking up speakers in any other areas of the house. NOTE: Plan on how many components you will be hooking up not just now, but in the future as well.

BETTER: Yamaha AVENTAGE RXA770. 6 HDMI inputs, 90 watts X 7 channels, video upconversion, multi-source/multi-zone, Dolby Atmos @ $649.99. This is part of Yamaha’s AVENTAGE step-up line. Buy this if you will be hooking up 6 components or less or if you will be hooking up speakers in other areas (ex: Outside, other bedrooms, etc.). This is also a good choice if you have older components as it plays nicely with legacy video formats (Wii game systems, VCRs and certain cameras come to mind).

BEST: Yamaha AVENTAGE RXA2070. 8 HDMI inputs, 140 watts X 9 channels, improved audio processing, Dolby Atmos @ $1599.99. Buy this if you are hooking up 8 components or less and if you want the best in today's surround sound formats. Our earlier article about Dolby Atmos goes into depth about the latest surround sound mode. This receiver also sounds noticeably better than step-down models due to its particular high-end construction.

Now you're've got some good information. Stop by or call one of our product experts and let us simplify your decision to purchase a surround sound receiver. Aire Theater Designs, San Diego Yamaha AVENTAGE and surround sound installers.

P.S. For you DIY surround sound people, when you purchase a Yamaha AVENTAGE receiver through us, you receive a guide that shows EXACTLY how to hook it up (which the manual doesn't) as well as lifetime phone/e-mail tech support!

Read 1480 times Last modified on Sunday, 22 October 2017 12:48