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Tuesday, 11 January 2011 14:52

Pros and cons of buying electronics on Amazon or on-line...Caveat Emptor

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We've all heard the adage "If it sounds too good to be true it probably is...". There is a lot of truth to that with today's electronics and on-line purchasing. Unfortunately, most people don't find out why until they have a problem. Unauthorized dealers are the biggest issue with today's on-line purchasing of TVs, speakers, stereos and remote controls.

Unauthorized dealers: In most cases when an on-line price seems ridiculous, there are reasons for this. Many types of electronics (including most lines that we sell) either can't be sold on-line or have to be sold at a certain price point. The manufacturers do this so their clients (YOU) are always dealing with an authorized dealer.

Buying from an authorized dealer (like us) makes sure you don't get:

1) Sold defective gear
2) Sold refurbished pieces
3) Sold used gear
4) Product with NO warranty. If you buy a product from an unauthorized dealer, you DON'T have a warranty, regardless of what the selling company may tell you.

This is a comment from the president of one of our vendors: "This week we have shut down two major offenders on Amazon by buying samples, tracing the source and shutting them down. The results will take a while to have effect as the unauthorized source realizes he can’t fill orders."

If you were to buy a product from one of these "companies" on-line, you would find yourself either out of money or with a product that the manufacturer wouldn't support with a warranty. This is akin to buying your home electronics at the swap meet.

Bottom line: If you buy from a reputable dealer you will get new products with a full manufacturer's warranty as well as the expertise and service that today's product requires. We are authorized dealers for everything that we sell. Wouldn't you rather do business with someone that does things the right way? Give us a chance and see if we can help you out.

UPDATE: We just looked at a certain Niles speaker on Amazon and literally EVERY listed "business" is unauthorized (NO WARRANTY)! Save yourself potential headaches and go with your local, authorized dealer for on-line TV purchases, on-line stereo purchases and more.



Read 2237 times Last modified on Thursday, 17 January 2019 15:55